If you were to observe patients in the waiting room of a dentist’s office in the US, you would see a group of relaxed-looking people reading magazines. If you looked at the queue of those waiting for treatment at a free dental camp in India, you would see many swollen and pain-filled faces. I have assisted at several such camps, and I have felt privileged to have done so and to have been rewarded by the smiles of relief of patients as they went home.
My early dental experience convinced me of the importance of preventative education since many conditions that we treated were highly preventable. I am keen to promote basic dental health education in the future both in India and in the US. I am also determined to give some of my time to providing free dental services to those unable to afford it and to treat them with the same respect and care that would be given to the most important or wealthy patient.

I was drawn to the idea of a career in dentistry because of a girl I knew when I was at school. Her teeth were in a terrible state, she was afraid not only to smile but was reluctant even to speak, she had no confidence and seemed to be alone most of the time. I saw her by chance after a gap of a year or two and she was transformed, her teeth had been veneered. She was pretty, smiling, confident, and obviously happy. This experience sparked an interest in dentistry and this increased when I considered the several aspects of dentistry: prevention, pain relief, diagnosis, and esthetics. Here was a way that I could be useful to the world. I had always wanted to ‘make a difference’ rather than merely ‘make a living’ and this was an excellent way to do it.
In 2003 I was accepted into one of the most prestigious dental schools in India straight from school and this was a positive experience, I enjoyed my studies, especially the practical work and interaction with patients. I was always among the top ten in my class, I received academic awards and was elected to serve as secretary of the Students’ Association. I began my career in 2007 gained wide practical experience and assisted senior dentists with complex treatments.

Since moving to the US, I have undertaken an observership so that I could ‘keep in touch’ and learn about the dental environment in this country and now feel ready to join the program to enable me to practice here. It is my hope, eventually, to specialize in orthodontics.
I am aware that there will be many professionally qualified applicants for the program. However, I do consider myself to be an excellent candidate. I excelled in my dental studies to date which will provide confirmation of my diligence and ability, it is my firm intention to excel in the program if selected. I have considerable experience in treating patients whilst in training and since qualifying and in assisting in complex treatments. Most importantly, I offer a passionate desire to extend and broaden my skills and knowledge.
DDS International Dentist Application Indian