The DMSc Doctorate Program at XXXX University is my first choice for continued study in my field, Dentistry. I crave the rigors and competitive nature of your distinguished program at XXXX and look forward to one of the world's finest library collections and incredibly advanced sports facilities. I love that your student body is international, with diverse student groups and extracurricular activities. I very much admire how the XXXX Institute serves as a training ground for thousands of researchers worldwide.
I have made Jeddah my permanent home as a Saudi Arabian woman dentist from Makkah. I hope to practice, teach, and do research for the balance of my professional life here in Jeddah, the most beautiful and international of Saudi cities, where our pioneers operate on the forefront of Saudi accomplishment in dentistry and other fields. This is why I need to earn a doctorate in my area from a prestigious institution in the West to become a leader in my profession and a role model to others.
I have always been an exceptional student, excelling at Reading, English, and especially handicrafts – the talent in my hands led me to dentistry. In 2009, I was awarded a full scholarship from Effat University to earn my Degree in Dentistry with honors. I have spent significant amount of time in the Philippines, Egypt, the UAE, and Turkey. I have studied and compared advances in dentistry and the enormous challenges these countries face in providing adequate oral health care, especially for the underserved, refugees, etc.

I am applying to XXXX’s DMSc Program to become a first-class and highly international academic. Being a teacher is my most enduring and central dream in life. I want to receive my post-graduate training abroad for the best and most international education possible. I will be a first-rate teacher imparting knowledge and passing the torch to generations. In addition to teaching, I look forward to progressively assuming management responsibilities and serving on boards as my career progresses, especially concerning forming academic strategy.
Still only 27 years old, I am a Saudi woman dentist who could not be more passionate about dentistry, especially Endodontics and Periodontology, both of which I look forward to teaching here in the KSA as well as practicing in this area for many decades to come, honoring my profession through constant labor and research to advance our level of patient care in my country.
I seek to practice on the forefront of my field and become a model for others to follow in the Middle East through my mastery of surgical procedures associated with all facets of Dentistry. Being accepted to and completing the DMSc Program at XXXX will provide me with the professional foundation that I need to teach various subjects in dentistry in Saudi Arabia to interns and new residents. Together, we will be able to significantly improve Saudi oral healthcare structures and practices for many years to come.

I look forward to a long and productive future where I give my all as a widely recognized and highly respected consultant in the KSA, especially in Periodontics and Endodontics - on the forefront of my field. I look forward to filling leadership roles in dentistry at the King Fahad Armed Forces Hospital, where I currently serve and to which I plan to return upon completing your program.
After completing the DMSc Program at XXXX, I will be specially qualified to contribute to research concerning the challenges we face in dentistry in the KSA, thoroughly prepared with a broad diversity of visions and opinions. I especially look forward to improving our Endodontics curriculum, emphasizing the importance of using rubber dams at an early stage of dental training (pre-clinical). I also plan to lobby for increasingly low faculty-to-student ratios to teach technique-sensitive skills better.
I never give up and stop trying, always learning from my mistakes. I have already attended several conferences and look forward to continuing to do so, as I see this as an essential part of our profession. I especially love helping organize meetings, as I did last year for the 4th International Continuing Education Committee at the XXXX University Faculty of Dentistry. I was responsible for the Endodontics Workshop, which was a wonderful experience for me, learning how to deal with such a wide variety of participants.
As a student, I volunteered to help several organizational initiatives in dentistry since I see volunteer work as an integral part of our professional experience.
Thank you for considering my application.
DMSc Research Doctorate Personal Statement