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Leadership in Periodontology Personal Statement

Updated: 1 day ago

Leadership in Periodontology
Leadership in Periodontology Personal Statement

After receiving further training in Periodontics in the USA, I look forward to returning to my native Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, to give my all to Periodontics for the balance of my professional life. Jeddah is one of the most beautiful international cities in the Middle East. I hope to put my innovative training to beneficial use providing top-notch dental care to people worldwide in the practice I plan to develop in Jeddah. I also look forward to networking with other Periodontists throughout the Middle East, building professional solidarity, organization, and advancement in Periodontics. I also look forward to teaching in my field, passing on the torch of progress in Periodontics to new generations of students in Jeddah.

I always intended to spend my life making a difference rather than merely making a living. I thought long and hard about how I could translate my meaning into reality and considered several healthcare career paths. When I looked at dentistry, I noted that every dentist I spoke to reported high professional satisfaction. It was also an excellent fit for me as I have a solid esthetic sense and a wish to work on a one-to-one basis with patients over the long term. It is a decision that I have never regretted. As my training and work progressed, I became more interested in periodontics. Now, I wish to acquire the specialist skills and knowledge to enable me to practice, research, and teach this vital specialty in which so many exciting developments in techniques and materials are taking place.

Leadership in Periodontology
Leadership in Periodontology Personal Statement

As a small child, I dreamed of helping people, especially as a healthcare worker, a doctor, or a dentist treating people and curing them of their ills. Later, I daydreamed about educating them, especially about oral hygiene, and lifestyle choices, and learning to live optimally and healthily. Nothing brings me greater joy than seeing people with beautiful smiles and teeth. For years, I have spent much, if not most, of my free time, reading about dentistry; most recently, I have invested countless hours in a close examination of the use of natural sources in the promotion of oral health, as well as ways to go about assisting with public health education about the importance of lifestyle choices and oral hygiene for the maintenance of oral health in people of all ages. When possible, I like very much being able to recommend natural remedies to my patients rather than chemical or synthetic ones. I look forward to continuing to learn a great deal about this area of dentistry while giving my all to a residency program in the USA. People know the importance of good health and are aware of the natural source to improve their health,

I graduated near the top of my class in dental school in 2013, at King Abdulaziz University, with a GPA of 3.69. I sent on to practice general dentistry, spending most of 2015 and 2016 with the Saudi Ministry of Health. I am a dental officer at the Saudi Ministry of the Interior. I also work as a dentist at an MOI polyclinic in Jeddah.

Leadership in Periodontology
Leadership in Periodontology Personal Statement

I feel called to leadership in Periodontics in Saudi Arabia and keenly look forward to advanced training in this field. Self-reliant and hardworking, I will give my all to the institution that selects me to serve. Calm and humble, I am looking forward to long hours on my feet. Having seen much of the world, living in France for a year-and-a-half, and getting to know Switzerland, Germany, Turkey, and much of the Middle East, I am multicultural and multilingual. Flexible and adaptable, I thrive working with people from all over the world, from diverse levels of society and backgrounds.

Thank you for considering my application.

Leadership in Periodontology Personal Statement


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