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Orthodontics Residency Indian Woman Dentist

Updated: 6 days ago

Dentist in white coat smiles while examining a patient in a bright dental office. Colorful tooth posters and a dental assistant in the background.
A dentist, focused and smiling, works with a patient in a colorful orthodontic clinic, highlighting her dedication during her residency.

A young woman and a dentist from India who has been making a new home in America for the past several years, I am now working towards completion of my DDS Degree at XXXX University and hope to build a special career in Orthodontics as a result of being accepted to and completing your competitive Orthodontics Program at XXXX University.

When I began my International Dental Program at XXXX University, I was not yet sure in which area of dentistry I wished to specialize in for lifelong, continuous professional advancement. Now, however, as I near completion of the program, I am fully confident that I want to make my own professional mark and fullest contribution to dentistry in Orthodontics. This is why I joined an elective Honors Incentive Program at XXXX in the Department of Orthodontics. Attending seminars and case presentations with the faculty and residents in Orthodontics at XXXX have been the highest moments of my life so far. What I love most about Orthodontics is the way that it rests on a thorough exploration of the entire oral and maxillofacial system.

Dentist smiling while examining a patient in a bright clinic. Two assistants converse in the background. Dental poster on the wall.
An orthodontics resident examines a patient's teeth, while a colleague, an Indian woman dentist, interacts with another patient in the background, highlighting a bustling dental clinic environment.

During my observation in the clinic, especially during the “debonding” appointments, I observed the happiness on the patients’ faces flashing that megawatt smile. For me, orthodontics sums up dentistry as far as it puts that smile on a patient’s face, which is why I joined dentistry in the first place. After careful observation of numerous Orthodontists and long conversations with the residents and faculty, Orthodontics is the best choice for me.

I hope to be selected at least in part because of my profound devotion to the cause of helping the underserved. While in India, I never failed to volunteer every Sunday at a charitable trust near my college. I also spent extended periods working in remote and isolated villages of the Punjab educating people with respect to the importance of preserving their oral health. Not long after arriving in America, I began volunteering at the XXXX Dental Clinic in Detroit, Michigan serving underserved populations in the Detroit area. I fell in love with the great diversity and the great need of the people in such a desperately poverty-stricken city as Detroit.

Dentist in white coat showing a dental model to a patient. Smiling staff in the background. Bright clinic with tooth posters.
An orthodontics resident meticulously demonstrates dental techniques to a patient, while a team of professionals collaborates in the clinic.

In Boston, I volunteered with the XXXX Dental Clinic and the YMCA’s Healthy Kids Program geared to creating greater oral health awareness among young people. Working with marginalized or impoverished populations here in America as well as back home in India has provided me with immense gratification along with extensive professional experience. I have also been learning a great deal through my participation in the Student Research Fellowship Program at XXXX. My research topic is “Amalgam and composite restoration repair in Schools across the United States”. This experience has helped me to learn a great deal about the basics of research and statistics. My love for tutoring inspired me to join the XXXX Literacy Council where I was assigned an advanced elementary-level student to teach her English as a second language.

I discovered while still a child that my interests lie in science, especially biology. A visit to an orthodontist during my teenage years for my misaligned teeth further enhanced my interest in Orthodontics. As my Orthodontist corrected my crowded teeth, I came to better appreciate the role of a beautiful smile in improving my own looks and boosting my confidence. This has always intrigued my interest in orthodontics.

I was born in Punjab, grew up in Madhya Pradesh, and studied Dentistry in Kolkata, India in one of the most densely populated cities in the world - was itself a great education. Beyond the comfortable cocoon of family and friends, I became 100% immersed in my studies and I thrived in this environment.  Since beginning my DDS Program at XXXX University, I have capitalized on every opportunity to broaden my horizons in every way possible to become the finest dentist that I can be. I could not be happier learning dentistry from some of the best faculty members in the world with the latest technologies, honing my practical skills and professional expertise. I am also learning a great deal about the insurance system, professional liability, and practice management. I am currently serving as the Coordinator of the Health and Wellness Chapter of ASDA at XXXX.

My growth has been personal as well as professional. I have grown in character as well which makes me even more determined to make important contributions to the underserved over the course of the long term, in India as well as here in America. Those hundreds of millions of Indians who live below the poverty line will always be in my heart and I long to help them in sustainable ways in the future.

I look forward to traveling extensively throughout my professional life and serving on missions to the Developing World. I love writing and look forward to writing about my experiences, all of which have shaped the dentist in me. It is my intense passion for dentistry and giving my all to my patients that will inspire and enable me to excel as an Orthodontist.

Thank you for considering my application.

Orthodontics Residency Indian Woman Dentist

A Day in the Life of an Orthodontics Resident


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